Wednesday, November 21, 2012

Lenovo P700 Dual Sim Phone Is It!

The Lenovo P700 Dual Sim Phone came and i bought and conquered it!

Before the P700, I was interchangeably using my iPhone 4s and Samsung Galaxy S2 for my two post paid lines. Every day, it was a contest between the two phones which will conk out first (although it actually depended on where by Globe Sim which had the data plan was inserted).  So I always had a small phone pouch with two compartments.... until the P700 came along. When I got it, I inserted both postpaid sims in it and occasionally have been using my S2 or iPhone for my prepaid sim.  (Although once in a while, if I want to feel "in" with the crowd, i will be putting my postpaid sims to either the S2 or iP4 for a more "commanding presence"...... but not without constantly monitoring the battery level of either iphone..and then I would start missing the P700......and then the sims will be back in the P700! whew!

The P700 has generally been dependable for me specially in terms of battery life. At 2500 mAh, It definitely lasts an entire day without limiting usage (like dark screen displays, or wifi off - although I am on data plan, remember? -  apps on automatic update, etc.)  The screen is big enough for me at 4in (way much bigger than the iP4's but smaller than the S2's 4.3" Super AMOLED Screen but still big enough and bright).  The build is solid thanks to it's hefty size courtesy of its big battery but I am not complaining.  For a guy like me, a bigger and more solid phone is better (albeit the weight) but it adds confidence.  The S2 is so light which sometimes mentally makes you forget it has great powers within.

When the P700i was due to come out, I was inkling to dispose my P700 to upgrade to the P700i but decided against it (no need losing some moolah if only to dispose the unit and then spending a little more to add to the difference).  I stayed and remained loyal to my P700.... until now.

I have quite a handful of cellular phones on hand: Galaxy Note, Samsung S2, Lenovo P700, Blackberry Pearl 9105, Cherry Mobile C12 (got it for its TV) and am disposing units to raise funds for some urgent requirement.  Which unit did I decide to let go first?  It was the Note.  Then the S2/Pearl are next in line.  The P700 lingers... survives.... That should speak well of it.

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